Quickstart Guide

This guide will teach you the basics of bSSG. If you have not yet installed it, read the installation guide here. This page is still a WIP, as-is bSSG itself.

Get started

Running the command bssg-generate will generate your site. Of course, you haven't written your site yet so it will do nearly nothing. But, this command will create some folders for you: content, templates, and generated-site. Place HTML templates in templates and content (both Markdown and HTML) in content. When you next run bssg-generate, the site will be generated using what you've put in those folders.

Your first template

Create a file called template.html in the templates folder; this will act as the default template for all pages on your site. This is standard HTML, with a few additions:

Writing content

Now, you can write your content files. In the content folder, create a file called index.md. This file is raw Markdown, plus the above additions and these additional additions:

HTML content

You are also able to write HTML content instead of Markdown. Create a .html file in your content folder and write an HTML "excerpt", this will work near identically with Markdown. If you have a HTML file and a Markdown file with the same name, the HTML file will be used.

Generating the new site

Run bssg-generate in the root directory of your project to generate the site! The generated HTML will be stored in the generated-site folder. Inspect it all you want, you've created a site and learned the core features of bSSG!

Other tips for advanced development

Written by bSSG contributors using bSSG: you can help write this too!